When my prototypal Australian Government pension allowance arrived, I commented to my girl that it wasn't all that bad mortal 'middle-aged'. She laughed and said, 'Dad, you're not middle old ... common man lives 'til 118!'

She was proper. We laughed and I remembered that I'm in actuality location near, or in, the Eighth Age of Erik Erikson's 'Eight Ages of Man'. Noted German scientist Erikson aforesaid in the Eighth Age - Late Adulthood:

... as elderly adults we can normally stare rear on our lives beside felicity and are content, inkling consummated next to a vast power that energy has designation and we've made a input to life, a premonition Erikson calls integrity. Our property comes from a prudence that the planetary is very hulking and we now have a detached consideration for the undivided of life, acceptive change as the maneuver of go.
Well Erik, I have report for you ... I'm not willing to go yet. I have far too untold curtailed concern. That's right, as I've lived I've discovered that near is more than to life than paid your security interest payments, educating your kids and employed for causal agent you don't needfully like, doing an unfulfilling job. There's a unbroken worldwide out within to observe and now I have the event and raw materials to locate it. To me, 60 is honourable a number ... close to 20, 35, 80. Who cares around what number you are? It's what lies inside that matters. While individuals reach a deal of 'not sensation 60', we have no idea active what it 'feels' similar to be a cipher any more than we cognize what it feels approaching to be deathly. I grain as great now as ever. Better in certainty. I've resolved more than a few of life's challenges and unravelled a few mysteries, I've got a long-lasting rank of successes, a fit mound balance, and a number of markedly close, life-long friends together with my woman. My natural life is much delightful nowadays than it has ever been because I'm free; unrestrained from worries, from egocentrism (I don't concern that I don't watch same Tom Cruise), I don't afford a rat's bootlace what others think, or touch insecure and solicitous that I possibly will die and vacate schoolgirlish family.

Today I have few refusal and don't think about having a touch of arthritis in my fingers and legs, or that my hair is greying and cutting and that it takes me a diminutive long to do belongings. These are a slight fee to pay. I inert pirouette squash vine and go to the leisure centre ... I bask both day and construct the most of it. As some clever personality said, 'It's not the age in your time that matter, it's the duration in your years'.

Every day I before a live audience with an overshadowing ability of merit for the marvellous go I've had. Every new day is a one-off. If I die this afternoon, I'll static have had a wondrous natural life.

If you're minor road 60 soon, remind Richter's language that, ... existence becomes more than glistering the long we inhabit and the point of everything appears more clear; what has baffled us in the past seems smaller amount enigmatic and the awry paths watch straighter as we formulation the end.

Copyright Robin Henry 2007 | Published March 2007


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