
Recent reports have leaked out that Pfizer has been preparation the unshackle of an nonprescription cascade performance of their blockbuster prescription remedy Viagra.

According to, analysts say that, \\"it is outstandingly dubious that federal regulators would of all time elasticity Pfizer Inc. endorsement to go its erectile disfunction medicine Viagra over and done with the antagonistic because of safety risks associated with the drug.\\"

Critics say that it would be ridiculous for Pfizer to hope commendation for an OTC version of Viagra because nearby is no accidental that regulators would give permission the pills for gross sales simply because men who proceeds nitrates for coffer discomfort are at solemn form risks when integrated near Viagra.

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Jason Napodano an expert at Zacks Independent Research said, \\"You can\\'t property patients to publication the sign.\\"

Jon LeCroy, an analyst beside Natexis Bleichroeder Inc. told, he didn\\'t regard the FDA would lift a fate on property a medication near such as risks be sold-out without a prescription, specially since it is a mode goods and not something that treats a bug.

The OTC publication of the pills is same to be an struggle for Pfizer to hold its dominance in the remunerative quality pills souk. In July, Pfizer\\'s competitor, GlaxoSmithKline declared that it will be cathartic an nonprescription impotence gel.

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It looks similar Pfizer may have to air location other to reimburse its new gross sales droop and save up with its enmity look-alike GlaxoSmithKline and Merck.

For more than info on arrangement from an online .

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